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Sunrise at Teluk Penyu Beach, Cilacap

I always visit Teluk Penyu Beach everytime I go to Cilacap, a city in the south of Java, which located near the borderline between West Java and Central Java province. These pictures below were taken in last March. I tried to capture the scene after dawn, to watch the sunrise. But the weather wasn't good enough, since the cloud was too thick in some part and blocking the sun. However, the beach was still splendid. People still went there to celebrate the daybreak and did some activities.

After dawn. 

Lonely bycicle.

Riding to the horizon.

Black sand at daybreak.

Watching the skyline.

On the edge, with you.

Just fishing by the sea.

Small lighthouse.

Looking for the way home.

Cloudy sunrise.

Colourful boats at bay.


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