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Travel to Oil Palm Plantation, Cikidang 2010

I start this blog with my old journey to the Cikidang oil palm plantation back in March 6, 2010. This was the first time I saw oil palm trees, and we spent a nice weekend there. Actually, this journey was a marketing promotion from Cikidang Plantation. They'd build housing and plantation projects up there, including school, market, factory etc. Maybe the project is already done by now. 

Oil Palm Plantation

I passed this road on the way there, and I was surprised that it was really, really quiet.

The road that less travel. I wish there are more roads like this in the city.

I saw this old man walking down lamely that uneven rocky path. His determination amazed me.

This small house was so attempting. Who doesn't wanna give anything to live quietly here? Some people I guess.

The lodges where we stayed. Not my favorite, but quite homy actually.

You can enjoy the view from up there. The sunset was beautiful if you're lucky.

No doubt that this boy was drifting away. Sunbathing was just he needed.


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